membership application

Application Below

Membership Application

To register, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Applicants must be employed by a cultural institution or university with cultural institutions, such as a museum, library, zoo, or aquarium, globally.

  • Applications are typically reviewed within fourteen (14) business days.

  • Applicants must hold a position in management, including coordinator, supervisor, manager, director, chief security officer, chief of security, head of security, or any similar position and above. This also includes collections representatives responsible for emergency response.

  • Applicants who volunteer must directly oversee the safety and security of a cultural institution. If they lack an organizational email for verification, they are still eligible to apply. However, it's important to note that there might be delays in the application approval process.

  • Applications are subject to approval by the Cultural Safeguard Alliance to maintain the integrity and security of the network.

  • Vendors do not meet the criteria for registration. However, they can contact us via the "Contact Us" section to request a partnership. All partnership requests are evaluated by our leadership committee.

  • Organizations are encouraged to reach out to partner with us and can add a representative to our liaison team to ensure collaboration. All partnership requests are evaluated by our leadership committee.

Sensitive Security Agreement Highlights

Website Portal & Resource Hub

The Portal and the Resource Hub Platform, accessible via Microsoft Teams, provides a space for engaging in discussions and sharing various materials such as policies, procedures, photos, videos, and surveillance footage. However, all content, information, and files, including reports, briefings, and logos, are considered sensitive and should not be shared outside of the Cultural Safeguard Alliance. Users are advised to make every effort to remove identifying content, if they wish to do so.

Sensitive Security Agreement

Please note that the complete Sensitive Security Agreement is acknowledged and signed upon submitting your application.

Acknowledgment of Use of Information

By registering to join, you certify that you’re authorized to upload such content, acknowledging and agree to the following terms:

  • Information Sharing

  • Content Uploads

  • Distribution and Use of Shared Content

  • Misuse and Consequences

Verification and User Integrity

  • Employment Verification

  • Employment Update

  • User Audit

Agreement to Terms

Acceptance of Sensitive Security Agreement By registering to join, acknowledging, and proceeding, users affirm that they have read, understood, and agreed to all the terms and conditions outlined in the Sensitive Security Agreement link provided below.